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Sept 2023 - Dec 2023

Gameplay Programmer

  • Spearheaded the development of a level selection menu using Unity, enhancing player engagement by allowing users to select levels and visually receive their scores via star ratings upon completion.

  • Designed and implemented a sophisticated enemy spawn system within Unity, ensuring dynamic gameplay through path-following enemy behaviors and strategically ordered spawns.

  • Conceptualized and designed three distinct game levels.

June 2023 - Aug 2023

Gamification Expert/Video Game Designer (AR/VR) Intern
Law School AI 

  • Employed Unity to design and establish the foundational environment for an engaging VR court arguments game.

  • Implemented VR character functionality using the XR Interaction Toolkit for accurate hand controller and head movement tracking. Enhanced the game's immersion, enabling fluid interaction with in-game UI elements.

  • Engineered a dynamic system UI, featuring an adaptive pause menu that repositions based on player orientation in the VR space. Integrated a user-preference switch for effortless toggling between VR and standard gameplay, with auto-adjusting interfaces.

  • Leveraged the XR Interaction Toolkit to simulate lifelike hand animations, enhancing the realism of grabbing and pinching actions.

June 2023 - Aug 2023

Developer Intern
Nanjing Pin Jia Technology Development Co., Ltd.

  • Contributed to the development of a real-time bidding software that extracts information from various bidding websites and pushes relevant data to a mobile app. The software also filters projects based on pre-defined criteria, notifying the corresponding personnel via their mobile app.

  • Spearheaded the acquisition of data from bidding websites, efficiently categorizing and updating the information to an online database. Utilized Python for web scraping and BeautifulSoup for data analysis and filtration. Adapted scraping techniques for diverse website structures, ensuring BeautifulSoup effectively parsed requisite project information.

  • Employed MySQL for robust data storage, organizing bidding information in the cloud database by attributes such as name, time, content, URL, and publisher classification.


2018 - 2022

University of California, Irvine

Bachelor of Science

Major: Computer Game Science

GPA: 3.8

2022 - Present

University of Pennsylvania

Master of Science(Conferred in June, 2023)

Program: Computer Graphics & Game Technology

& Expertise

  • C++

  • C#

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • Node.JS

  • Django

  • Unity

  • Maya

  • Houdini

  • Blender

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